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Squidtail Bob

I'm a tabletop gamer. RPGs are my thing. I used to run D&D 3.5e in a previous life, and after relocating to another county a couple of years ago, I found and joined a regular "IRL" gaming group. We've had a few different games on the go, run by different GMs. Since the advent of Covid Times (CT), we've continued to play online with a combination of Discord and Roll20. We're currently in the midst of a 5e game. Some time after CT began, an old friend from a previous job - let's call him Arty - got in touch about a game he wanted to run. He had recently started playing 5e with some co-workers, and was keen to try his own hand at DMing. Knowing his insane arty talents, I was curious to see what magic Arty could perform on Roll20, and I joined in. I was not disappointed. We're still playing Arty's (mostly) weekly game in a weird and wonderful homebrewed cyberpunk-tinged land of the (mostly) dead. Arty has also since joined my other group, being kee...

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